David Lešek & Daniela Pisingerová


Cheb Riverfronts

Cheb RiverfrontsThe river of Ohře meandering through the town of Cheb. A green belt enclosing the center divides historical from new and a town from nature. Regulated banks near the center provide city character in contrast with natural riverfronts at the edges of the city. At present, the city is disconnected from the river and it doesn’t communicate with it in the area near center.
The riverfronts are divided into several basic types supporting local characteristics and referring to the history of the spaces. The design is composed from linear elements allowing movement right above water level and from local interventions serving for relaxation by the river. North bank - passability and continuity, linear elements. South bank - city walls guarding the historical center, local interventions. Connection to city's green belt enclosing the historical center. Historical location of a ford – a closest access to the river.
The peripheral areas of a natural character provide subtle interventions in a form of wooden smaller objects for relaxation, the design becomes more radical approaching the center. The northern regulated bank is designed to be partly removed and replaced by sitting stairs and a lower level of the riverfront. Proposed bridges and pontoons newly provide an access to the island and increase the communication between both the southern and northern banks.