The goal is to gain an independent evaluation of the quality of teaching architecture and design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague.

The competition is organised by the Architecture Students’ Association (SPA) of the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University.

COMPETITION The competition takes place in the autumn semester and takes place in all three study programmes of the FA CTU. Competition divides into areas: architecture (for the study programmes of Architecture + Urbanism and Landscape Architecture) and design (for the study programme of Industrial Design). It takes place in two categories in each area - the best project and the best studio. Every student project, including team projects, submitted in the given autumn semester automatically enter the competition. Diploma projects, first-year projects and projects of SPA members, who are present at the evaluation of projects by the jury exclude from the competition.

The competition takes place in four rounds.

The jury will go through all exhibited projects and selects any number for the next round.

Long-listing - from all the works selected in the 1st round, the jury will pick a maximum of 20 nominated projects.

The jury selects nominated projects from the long-list. The jury selects nominated studios.

The jury will award a maximum of 1 best project and a maximum of 1 best studio in the area of architecture + urbanism, landscape architecture and a maximum of 1 best project and a maximum of 1 best studio in the area of design.

The author of the nominated project and the nominated studio (studio management and students) agree with the registration of personal data such as name, surname, e-mail and telephone number by handing over the competition documents (poster, author's text and others according to the agreement with the competition organizers) to the organizer. Nominees agree for their work to be presented together with their name and surname within the competition and other channels related to the competition.

The winning projects and studios are kept secret until the award is presented. Until then, jurors and organizers are bound by a vow of secrecy.

The evaluation always takes place in the week after the submission of projects for the given semester. The exhibition of nominated projects and the announcement of winners will take place during the following semester.

The prize for the winner is the trophy "Olověný Dušan". Other benefits are determined annually by the organizer based on obtained funds.

Each area has its jury, which always consists of personalities of the year who did not work at the FA CTU. The architecture + urbanism, landscape architecture is evaluated by a jury of five or six members and the design by a three-member jury. Jury membership is not possible in two consecutive years of the competition. The evaluation requires the participation of at least four jurors in the field of architecture or two jurors in the field of design.

It is possible to change the terms and rules of the competition. The approval of at least 2/3 of the SPA members present at the SPA regular session is required to approve the decision to change the Articles of the Association. The changes are discussed based on comments from members of the SPA or at the request of the jury.


production: SPA (Association of Architecture Students)
stream production: Vertical Production
graphics: Sára Volemanová
moderators: Lucie Krejčová and Martin Tabery

Contributors to the preparation of the entire Olověný Dušan 23:
Karolina Suchá, Natalie Vedralová, Jan Stuchlík, Václav Holuša, Lucie Krejčová, Robert Rössler, Martin Skoupý, Matylda Havelková, Nikola Beková, Matěj Čížek, Martin Tabery, Barbora Šmejkalová, Eliška Barešová, Martin Sýkorský, Johana Trojanová, Jan Čížek, Lucie Erlichová, Jan Koupil, Jakub Naništa, Ondřej Suchý, Eliška Ševčíková, Martina Thýnová, and others.

Thanks to all!