The Architecture Student's Association [SPA] at FA CTU is a free, independent, and voluntary organization opened to all students who want to actively participate in the student life of the faculty.

The history of the association dates back to 1900 when it is mentioned in connection with the most important representatives of Czech architectural modernism, P. Janák and J. Kotěra. At that time, the association together with several similar groups from other fields represented a platform, that was both critical of the then conditions on the Prague technology education field and also actively participated in public life - organizing exhibitions, publishing and trying to promote architecture through various events. Its activities were interrupted by the closure of universities in 1939, and the subsequent restoration after 1945 did not last long, because the tradition of student associations was contrary to communist ideology. The last mentions of the original SPA can be dated to the period around 1952.

The current SPA followed the legacy of the original association by resuming its activities on 20th April 1993. Students responsible for its rebirth were Josef Smutný, Martin Höffler, Regina Loukotová and other students of that time. During its post-revolutionary activities, the SPA has already become an integral part not only of the FA CTU but also of the entire domestic architectural scene, on which it represents the views of the youngest generation of creators.

The mission of the SPA is to support the widest possible public discussion about architecture and design, about its meaning and position in today's world. SPA activities aim to contribute to increasing the quality of education within these fields, therefore the quality of the new Czech architecture and design. SPA also wants to defend the rights and interests of students of FA CTU and to develop activities in their interest.

SPA activities include organizing lectures, discussions, workshops, exhibitions and excursions for foreign and domestic architecture. Every year, the SPA organizes Beania, welcoming for first-year students. From the very beginning, the main event of the association is undoubtedly the competition Olověný Dušan, where student works and studios of the whole FA CTU are evaluated by an independent external expert jury and the best of them are then awarded.

We strive to make SPA a platform for organizing and meeting within our faculty and thus contribute to the stimulation of discussion on various topics, not only in our field.


Lucie Ehrlichová / director
Václav Holuša / finance
Martina Thýnová / coordination
Martin Tabery / sponzoring
Daniel Krupka / PR
Karolína Suchá / revision