
Rozálie Kašparová

Jury / architecture

After studying in Sweden, architect Rozálie Kašparová returned to Prague, where at the Public Space Office of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development she has been working on projects of various scales dealing with public spaces. From the smallest detail of the city, which is developing the Prague Chairs & Tables project, over the revitalization of Karlovo náměstí, where the design was selected through an innovative competitive dialogue proces to a large scale strategic koncepts as Rohanský ostrov. All projects naturally have a social dimension, use participative methods, and look for ways to create inclusive public spaces in Prague.

Andrej Olah

Jury / architecture

Architectural studio based in Bratislava, Slovakia, founded in 2014, recently is led by Andrej Olah and Filip Marčák. GRAU works on different scales of projects, from interiors to public buildings. We are always trying to with context in context, do not fake, work with honest materials and approaches. We work from whole to detail, from vision to realisation. We are constantly looking for connection between interior and exterior. 

Marek Obtulovič

Jury / architecture

Marek Obtulovič graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of University of Technology in Brno. He also studied at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. In the years 2006-13 he worked in a number of studios in Brno. In 2013, he decided to join the Hanoi office of Vo Trong Nghia, where he participated in the preparation of the Vietnamese pavilion for the EXPO exhibition in Milan or in the competition for the Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki. Since 2016, he has been leading architect in ODDO architects in Hanoi together with Mai Lan Chi and Duc Trung Nguyen.

Benjamín Iborra Wicksteed

Jury / architecture

“Believing that work is only successful by being moved by passion, I combine architecture & cinema by being one of the five founders & partners of MESURA and producing, writing and playing short movies & Theater.”

Benjamin Iborra Wicksteed is a partner and creative director at studio Mesura and also an educator. MESURA is proud of not being a “signature” design firm. They have intentionally never developed a stylistic formula for their work, which is why their projects never quite look or feel the same. Each of their spaces is the result of our ability to listen, which has turned their designs and buildings into personal reflections of their clients’ personalities and values, which they co-construct through research, workshops and surveys.

Filipa Dias

Jury / architecture

Filipa Dias studied architecture at the University of Coimbra, Portugal and is now a part of studio Stu.dere. Stu.dere, founded in 2016, located in Vila Meã, Amarante, by Ulisses Costa, dedicated to the development of Architecture Projects, Interior Architecture and Design. Stu.dere is a studio of architecture & design, and a space for multicultural events. The word stu.dere was introduced by the Romans, and it means disciples. But they go further and deeper in its meaning, for them, it means that the disciple strives and puts all its efforts to achieve a goal.




Iza Rutkowska

Jury / design

Iza Rutkowska is the founder of Forms and Shapes Foundation in Poland and International School of Knocking on Doors and Zoochitecture Studio. She is an artist that involves people in cocreation of public spaces. She works interdisciplinary. Her projects were realised in many countries around the world.

Adam & Kristina

Jury / design

Adam Tureček (*1975) is a man, a Pragueman, a realist, a dog dad, a graduate designer oscillating between what we call design and art. He is behind the Craftbrut project - objects created with the help of brute force, workshop tools and some of that mistake.
Kristina Ambrozová (* 1981) Kristina Ambrozová (Brno 1981) graphic designer and illustrator, I am part of the aakkforever studio, which was established at the umpum around 2008, I also belong to the Analogbros screen printing workshop. I like to draw, I plant flowers and books, I do boxing or practice yoga and I have two dogs.

Simon Busse

design / porota

Studio Simon Busse se věnuje navrhování produktů - od nábytku po fotoaparáty a prostory od interiérů klubů po scénografii výstav. Kromě aktivit průmyslového designéra a scénografa Simon Busse poskytuje rady průmyslovým podnikům, jako je Abus, v oblasti design managementu a vyučuje na mezinárodních univerzitách - od CAA Hangzhou (Čína), HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd (Německo) po FHNW Basel (Švýcarsko).